- Photo by Karen Voepel

Binnacle Fund
Binnacle Fund of the Tides Foundation envisions a world in which wildlife and wild places thrive in harmony with human communities. Binnacle Fund has helped support fence removal and replacement efforts on Heartland Ranch.

Biophilia Foundation
Biophilia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation with a mission to advance biodiversity conservation on private lands by fostering systemic change through people, their communities, and direct action. We operate programs and award grants to conservation organizations to protect and restore wildlife habitat. Biophilia Foundation has supported riparian restoration on Heartland Ranch and Raven’s Nest.

Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is the state wildlife agency in Colorado, charged with balancing the conservation of our wildlife and habitat with the recreational needs of our state.x

Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative
Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative mission is to determine the best ways to maximize mutual benefits that birds and land trusts can provide to each other.

Cottonwood Foundation
Cottonwood Foundation supports organizations that are working for a better future for people, animals, and the community of life on Earth. Since 1992, Cottonwood Foundation has awarded 824 grants totaling over $749,000 supporting projects in over 50 countries.

Dr. Richard McLellan
Dr. Richard McLellan is a retired M.D. with a passion for creating climate-resilient riparian systems in the southwestern U.S. Dr. McLellan has pledged seed funding to initiate a comprehensive beaver restoration initiative on SPLT preserves.

The Fund for Wild Nature
The Fund for Wild Nature invests in bold grassroots organizations and innovative conservation efforts that meet emerging needs for protecting biodiversity and wilderness.
Gates Family Foundation
Gates Family Foundation works with partners and communities to build a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable Colorado for all.
Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO)
Since 1992, GOCO has invested a portion of the proceeds from the Colorado Lottery to help outdoor organizations, including local governments, nonprofits, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, complete more than 5,600 conservation and recreation projects in every corner of this spectacular state we call home. GOCO has funded several SPLT land acquisitions, including expansions of Heartland Ranch and the acquisition of the Purgatoire River Preserve.

The Land Trust Alliance
The Land Trust Alliance is a nationwide consortium of land trusts whose mission is to save the places people need and love by strengthening land conservation across America.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
NFWF is dedicated to sustaining, restoring, and enhancing the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats for current and future generations. NFWF has supported thousands of conservation projects in the United States and abroad since 1986. Grants from NFWF’s RESTORE Colorado and Southern Plains Grassland Programs have helped fund a variety of projects on SPLT’s preserves, including riparian restoration, fence removal and replacement, and infrastructure modernization.
Summerlee Foundation
Summerlee Foundation is a mission-driven, proactive organization dedicated to the support of animal protection and the preservation of Texas history. Since inception, The Summerlee Foundation has awarded $60 million dollars in grants and has been recognized as the Outstanding Foundation by the Greater Dallas Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Summerlee has helped fund several expansions of Heartland and is also the origin of SPLT’s herds of longhorns and equines.

Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy (ARC)
ARC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on identifying and conserving the highest priority places for amphibians and reptiles in the United States. SPLT is partnering with ARC to develop a comprehensive amphibian monitoring and conservation plan for SPLT’s preserves.

Bent County Historical Society
Bent County Historical Society preserves the history and heritage of Bent County through programs and activities that interpret the culture and architectural history of the region, the operation and preservation of the John W. Rawlings Heritage Center and Museum, and Boggsville National Historic Site. SPLT is working with Bent County Historical Society to create a premier recreation space in southeastern Colorado by expanding the existing trail system and protecting the historical site at Boggsville.

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (BCR)
BCR’s mission is the conservation of birds and their habitats through an integrated approach of science, education and land stewardship. SPLT is partnering with BCR to found the first bird-banding station in southeastern Colorado and provide hands-on experiences with bird’s for the local community and in particular, K-12 students.

Colorado Open Lands
Colorado Open Lands is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting Colorado’s lands and waters. Colorado Open Lands holds and monitors all conservation easements on land owned in fee by SPLT.

Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW)
CPW manages 42 state parks, all of Colorado’s wildlife, and more than 300 state wildlife areas, as well as sponsoring a host of recreational and educational programs. We work closely with CPW on a wide variety of projects related to wildlife conservation, ecological restoration, and land management. CPW is our main on-the-ground partner for black-footed ferret introductions and plague mitigation on Heartland Ranch.

Colorado State University (CSU) Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory
The Laboratory’s research has focused on the American bison and using embryo transfer technology to mitigate disease. The Laboratory is the origin of SPLT’s bison herd, which has pure Yellowstone genetics.

Defenders of Wildlife
Founded in 1947, Defenders of Wildlife is the premier U.S.-based national conservation organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of imperiled species and their habitats in North America. Defenders is a long-time partner of SPLT and has helped in both funding acquisition and ecological restoration work over the years.

Denver Zoo Conservation
A recognized wildlife conservation leader since 1998, Denver Zoo Conservation’s impact is measured in restoring wild lands, saving precious natural resources, decreasing waste, increasing threatened animal populations, reducing human-animal conflicts in fragile areas, and igniting a passion for a healthy planet within our guests, donors, partners, employees, and community. SPLT is partnering with the Denver Zoo on their dung beetle captive breeding and rewilding program.

Great Plains Conservation Network (GPCN)
GPCN is a collaboration of non-profit and tribal organizations working together to conserve and restore the wildlife, habitats, and ecological processes of the Great Plains. SPLT’s staff currently sit on all three of GPCN’s Working Groups, which are focused on American bison, prairie dogs, and grassland birds.

Native works with organizations like yours to activate climate solutions that impact the communities and ecosystems important to your business. This way, your carbon offsets do the most good to support your values, impact your supply chain and achieve your sustainability goals.

Reefs to Rockies
Reefs to Rockies specializes in designing custom trips that help guests experience nature and wildlife through the lens of conservation and sustainable tourism. Reefs to Rockies is SPLT’s premier ecotourism partner offering overnight trips to Heartland and other perks such as exclusive talks by SPLT staff members.

Rocky Mountain Wild
Rocky Mountain Wild works to protect, connect, and restore wildlife and wild lands in the Southern Rocky Mountain region. We envision a biologically healthy future for our region – one that includes a diversity of species and ecosystems, thriving populations of wildlife, and a sustainable coexistence between people and nature.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
USFWS works with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. SPLT is a proud partner of USFWS Black-footed Ferret Recovery Program and serves as a reintroduction site for the federally endangered ferret.

Keep it Colorado
Keep it Colorado is a statewide coalition of conservation organizations. They advocate for sound public policy; provide connection and collaboration opportunities for conservation partners; offer a forum to address emerging conservation issues and opportunities; pursue sustainable funding and programmatic tools and solutions; and work to advance a culture of conservation in Colorado.

Global Rewilding Alliance
Global Rewilding Alliance works with partners around the world to recover the natural beauty, diversity, and resilience of Earth. The Alliance is a growing network of more than 125 practitioner and messenger organizations, and an official implementation partner of the UN Decade of Restoration. Alliance members are working to rewild more than 100 million hectares of land and sea in more than 70 countries.

Great Plains Conservation Network (GPCN)
The Great Plains Conservation Network (GPCN) is a collaboration of non-profit and tribal organizations working together to conserve and restore the wildlife, habitats, and ecological processes of the Great Plains.

Land Trust Alliance (LTA)
LTA supports the work of land trusts and conservation organizations across the country by ensuring that land trusts have the necessary vision, tools, capacity and resources to conserve land effectively. SPLT is currently accredited through 2028 by the LTA’s Land Trust Accreditation Commission.

Nature Needs Half Network
Nature Needs Half Network is an international coalition of scientists, conservationists, nonprofits, and public officials defending nature at the scale she needs to continue to function for the benefit of all life, and support human well-being.
Southeast Colorado Recreational Outdoor Alliance Movement (SECO ROAM)
SECO ROAM is a coalition of organizations in Southeast Colorado dedicated to enhancing equitable, inclusive and accessible outdoor recreational experiences that balance wildlife conservation with environmental stewardship and education while contributing to the economic vitality of the region.