Quail Ridge Nature Preserve

Quail Ridge Nature Preserve provides shortgrass prairie open space between housing developments in Lamar, Colorado.

Quail Ridge Nature Preserve

Established in 2003, Quail Ridge Nature Preserve is located in Lamar, Colorado. This 89 acre preserve provides shortgrass prairie open space in between housing developments.

Here, native flora and fauna have a place they can call home. The landscape at Quail Ridge includes buffalograss, blue grama, little bluestem, and sideoats grama, dotted with soaptree yucca and a variety of wildflowers, such as blazingstar, sunflower, scurf pea, Colorado gumweed, buffalo gourd, lacy tansyaster, scarlet globemallow, showy milkweed, prairie clover, and devil’s claw.

Wildlife observed on the preserve include scaled quail, ferruginous hawk, Chihuahuan raven, black-tailed jackrabbit, pronghorn, coyote, badger, and others.


Photo of burrowing owl


Southern Plains Land Trust (SPLT)
PO Box 1016, Lamar, CO 81052


A special thanks to the SPLT photographers!

Check out the photographer here.